So on to this week. I was excited to see that we got lettuce this week. last week we only got spinach. I actually missed my starter salad for each meal. It helps me with my goal this year of portion control. To help me eat the salad I make the salad as soon as I come hope from picking up my basket. It assures me that all I have to do before dinner is pull out a bowl of already made salad and by the end of the week it is usually all gone. Hopefully that trick will help others use up their lettuce and eat more salad.
And sorry this was posted late, Sundays are so busy and I decided to go to bed early and get up and do this today.
Sunday- Yesterday we had chicken and foil dinners. This was pretty easy to prep before church and come home and do minimal work. What we did was cut up carrots, onions, mushrooms, celery, peppers, and potatoes and put them in some foil with salt and pepper (next time I'll add some cheese). You close up the foil and throw it on the grill. Keep it there until the carrots and potatoes are done. See super easy and delicious.
For the chicken we rubbed some evoo on them and then took a whole lemon and squeezed the juice over them and then rubbed some rosemary on it. If I hadn't have had the grill on high it would have been less dry. But none the less it was still really good. Put all this with a yummy salad and you have one satisfied tummy.
Monday-Happy Valentines Day! In honor of such a fun day we are going to have homemade pizza in the shape of a heart. The sauce is found under Tuesday here. Our toppings will be onions, peppers, and my favorite mushrooms. I thought this time I would post my pizza dough recipe since I had a few friends ask for them and I never did post it. So here it is:
Pizza Dough
1c. warm water
1 pkg. or Tbs. Dry yeast
1 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp sugar
1/4 c. cooking oil
about 3 c. flour
In medium bowl, put yeast and sugar in and pour water over it. Let the yeast dissolve. Add salt, oil, and half the flour to yeast. Beat vigorously till smooth (feel free to use a mixer!). Mix the rest of the flour in until the dough is firm. If the dough seems really dry add a little bit of oil. Knead on floured breadboard or counter until smooth approximately 5 minutes (I do this in my bosch for about 5 minutes). Roll out into 2 large circles (12 inches diameter). Brush pans lightly with oil first. Place dough on pans and add sauce, grated cheese, and various toppings of your choice.
Bake in 425* oven 15-30 minutes (depends on oven). Outside crust should be browned. Uncooked pizza may be frozen.
I double this recipe and split it in fourths. I make 2 pizzas and then use one section to make bread sticks like the ones at Olive Garden. I then freeze the other section of dough for another meal that will go well with bread sticks. So tonight, we will have salad, pizza, and bread sticks, DeYummy!
Tuesday- We are having potato soup again. last week we actually had frozen soup because I didn't feel like do a lot of cooking. When I make soup often I'll double the recipe because it doesn't take much energy to do that. Then I freeze some for when someone gets sick or when I don't feel like cooking and we don't want (or don't have the money) to eat out. So I need to freeze more so I figured we can do this again. My husband does not mind!
Wednesday- I haven't decided if we will have fajitas or burritos. Either way it is an easy night for mom and everyone will love it! This will help use up our spinach and peppers and maybe even a few mushrooms.
Thursday- I like having a breakfast night last week so much that this week when we got another cantaloupe I knew we would be doing it again. So tonight is french toast with cantaloupe or some kind of fruit salad.
Friday- We haven't had a basic throw it all together stir-fry in a couple weeks so that is what we are going to have tonight. We just take what ever is left over vegetable wise from this week and then we throw it in the wok and cook it up. Serve it over rice with some sort of sauce. I think I'll make that sweet and sour sauce again!
Saturday- Leftovers! We have been so busy the last couple of weeks that have leftovers on Saturday has been really nice so that I can focus on doing other things. I love early spring and being outside.
Enjoy your baskets and bon apetit!
I was sick last week with some bronchial stuff, along with my kids; it really does affect your desire to cook, because nothing sounds good! Thanks again for the recipes and ideas! I'm in California (I just realized I don't know where you are! Hahaha, I'm your random person blog follower), so in our boxes (since its winter)our selection is definitely not as varied. Lots of potatoes and oranges, some lettuce and lots of spinach...nothing unusual this week.
ReplyDeleteJerusalem Artichokes with parslied cream sauce
1 lb. Jerusalem artichokes
2 tbl. of butter
2 tbl. all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp of salt
dash of white pepper (?)
1 cup light cream or milk
1/4 cup finely snipped parsley
Wash and peel artichokes; slice. Cook covered, in a small amount of boiling salted water until tender, 10 to 15 minutes. Drain well. Melt butter in a saucepan, blend in flour, salt and white pepper. Add cream all at once. Cook and stir till mixture thickens and bubbles. Remove from heat. Stir in parsley till sauce is smooth. Serve over cooked artichokes. Serves 4 to 6.
From: Better Homes and Gardens Heritage Cookbook